Developing literacy and aspirations in Key Stage 2
**This project is currently on hold as we develop its long term plans, but please feel free to get in touch to find out more**
Unlocking Potential uses drama to bring class topics to life, using live experiences led by professional drama facilitators to support pupils to engage with the topic in an emotional and empathetic way. The project is designed to build confidence, social skills and aspirations of children living in deprived areas of the North East, and in doing so help build their attainment in literacy – particularly writing and language skills. In Ashington, Northumberland in 2016, we saw our test group of 25 children move from 2/3 achieving below the expected level in literacy to 100% achieving at above expectations. This project helps children to understand how the topics they study in school relate to real life and real people. The drama activities elicit real emotional responses from the children in a safe and supported environment. By doing so, they are supported to better understand their emotions and the emotions of others, both of which are key to building emotional resilience. By presenting their original writing to them as a professionally-produced piece of theatre, this project also shows children that their ideas, their voices and their writing can have an impact and importance outside of a school setting. Watch an abidged film of 2017's play, Open the Door, HERE. It has been developed in collaboration with Northumberland Church of England Academy in South East Northumberland and with support from Northern Powergrid Fund. Watch a film about 2016's project HERE. |